
Review Article

Hypertension: A global health crisis

Pius AL Berek*, Dewi Irawati and Akhir Yani S Hamid

Published: 14 July, 2021 | Volume 5 - Issue 1 | Pages: 008-011

Objective: This study discusses strategies to overcome hypertension patient compliance to manage self-care. The purpose of the study is to provide a summary of the importance of attention to managing hypertension.

Method: a review of literature relevant to hypertension, policies, and management, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, through cross-programs or sectors.

Result: This study found that the ministry of health had compiled various policies to reduce the prevalence of hypertension, including technical guidelines for its implementation, but the strategy has not yet fully reached the minimum service standard, which is because it has not fully involved the relevant cross sectors.

Conclusion: Improve the coordination system by “Joint Decree” between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Villages, PDT and Transmigration, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Indonesian National Army, police, and NGOs to carry out activities simultaneously to the community.

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Policy Brief; Hypertension; Health Crisis


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